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In this world of chaos, loneliness, and heartache, do we not all hope for something more? Could it be that God knows your personal struggles and cares about you as an individual and wants to help you…


Image by Wendy White

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My dear friend, how are you? Please give me a chance. I do not represent a religion or church-system. I’m just your brother who knows the pain of life and the real answers found in the living Jesus. I’ve been to 60 countries, not in offices and buildings but on the streets, prisons, and among the homeless. Not trying to get people to ‘be good’ or pray a ‘sinner’s prayer.’ But to personally love them as God wants to love each of us. I care about your life and wrote the flyers, and created this site all out of my own money as proof of my love. I have come a long ways and been through a lot to be able to share this with you.

The clamor of this heartless world can be deafening. It can turn a smile into a cold face and a heart into stone. 

But you are not a faceless soul floating among millions. God sees you as a unique individual with a unique backstory. 

I know we find it awkward to talk about our deepest struggles because we’re supposed to appear “cool & together.” But when we’re all alone the pain and empty feelings inside don’t go away. They take us to “places” we don’t want to go. Dark places of fear and hollow loneliness. 

Maybe you’ve been burned so bad you are against God. He sees you and understands, but needs you to come to Him so He can show you He is not against you but for you. You don’t have to pretend, take on a “Christian” lifestyle, act religious, or join some group. The key is to be REAL. Stop going along with “the game” of peer pressure in this world. Start being YOU. Give God a chance, one on one. If God is real, doesn’t it make sense that He could personally reveal Himself to you? 

Religion is a systemby men, in buildingsmade by men,with claims made by men.It does not representthe Living God.


In fact, so much of the information out there about God these days is just weird crap. Every day it seems some new "church" or group pops up with some new teaching. More often than not some kind of moralistic 'better than thou' stuff. Don’t buy in. God’s love does not depend on how good or bad you think you are. Jesus says, “I did not come for the righteous, but sinners” (Mk 2:17). He changed water into wine. He didn’t go to a temple or school to find friends but to a fishing dock and places where prostitutes and drunkards dwelt. He knows we all crave fun, laughter, and wild times. But deep inside we crave far more: to be loved; to belong; to find purpose.  

The questionis not with Godbut whether an individualis willing to make one bitof effort to understand His love.What about you?

Two WorldsCollide

Everyone is taught that life consists of finding a job, making money, and getting married. We are conditioned over years to chase a dream promised by strangers. But as life unravels, unexpected tragedies come out of nowhere and leave us wounded in ways we don’t understand. That same world is then quick to slap a label on us as we deal with the aftermath of its chaos.

We display an image of ‘happy’ but inside we burn with depression and the dark chambers of an agonizing void. No one identifies it for what it is because no one knows. Everyone denies it because of pride. Will you let me explain? It is not YOU or a weak personality. It is something in all of us (Rom.3:10). The history of Adam and Eve is not an ancient fable. They corrupted  humanity with depravity and through procreation passed on this SIN inside us all. It eats away our flesh and wreaks havoc in us, like a cancer. Because of sin, God says, “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1John5:19). Satan causes us to ruin our own lives and tells us to blame God. 

Understanding sin explainsthe confusion of themysterious grief thatweighs us downand triggers oursadness and anger.


So what does God do? He sends Jesus into our broken humanity to bear and atone for our depravity. God walked the earth in Jesus, looking through our eyes, crying our tears, and sensing our darkest impulses. He felt every fiber of our despair. He Who knew no sin actually became sin (2 Cor.5:21). Think He identifies with your deepest secrets? 

Three nails held the Father’s crucified Son on two cross beams. Our sin collided with His forgiveness. In three hours on the cross, Jesus was crushed by every problem anyone in the world would ever face. My friend, this not some irrelevant ‘religious’ concept but the remedy to the very wound you deal with every single day. The power of His resurrection comes to you by your faith. Complete forgiveness for all your sin; past, present, and future (Heb.10:20).

He is not goingto die again.“It is finished”(Jn.19:30).

Come As You Are

Self-righteous religious people will try to convince you that you must become “good” to get to God. But we can’t. If we could, Jesus would not have had to come to earth (Mk.10:18/Gal.2:16-21). Rather, Jesus says, “Come to ME all you who are weary... Learn from ME; I am the good Shepherd; I will give you living water; MY ways are easy...” (Jn.7:37/Mt.11:28). 

God shows Himself to be a Personal God who interacts with criminals, prostitutes, thieves, corrupt men, and even murderers. 

He alone can cure your inner wounds if you will simply choose to believe. Jesus was killed by religious people, so He most certainly isn’t calling you to be religious and go to a “church.” He is calling you to become a recreated individual by His Holy Spirit, to come all alone to His unseen Presence. 

You can begin this very second by a simple budge to move your heart and your lips will follow. A childlike expression to the Father asking for His mercy and grace. Don’t delay one moment longer. Even as you read, you can do this simultaneously. Hope, joy, and real love are waiting. Faith is not an emotion. It is a decision.

Stop running from your pain. Fall into Him. His righteousness is yours by FAITH (Rm.4:9/Phil.3:7-11). Faith instantly and automatically makes all things right in God’s eyes (Rm.1:17, 10:9-10). Imagine being free from all guilt and regret forever.  Finally, peace of mind. 

Our humanity is bent on failure and rebellion. Redemption happens by walking in transparency and being real in the living Jesus (Jn.14:6/Jm.4:6).  

Redemption is turningbad things into goodthings. It is not anoccasional work of God,but His constant work(Rom.8:28).

Create quitemoments whereextraordinarythings canbegin.

God is not angry at you or against you. God is love. He will take care of you if you trust Him. He only demands our actual ‘stoppage.’ Shhhh. Sit alone. Be still. Can you let go of everything to Him? Find a place and attitude to rest and meditate on the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John. People say, “I don’t know how.” Learn! You can build this capacity. Humility and common sense will get you a long ways. His Presence is not audible or visual but like the wind (Read John 3:8). He will lift you into His living Spirit.


God yearns to build an inner sanctum in an individual heart (Jn.14:23). He will create a place in you no one knows or sees. The Spirit will open your eyes and ears to behold things not seen by the ability of human flesh and blood. This is the kingdom of God. It is why Jesus was crucified.

Don’t Be Religious. Be real.

Don’t focus on stopping‘bad stuff’ but starting totalk to Jesus.

Don’t flee being alone.Learn to embrace it.

Find your ownSecret Placeto talk to Godand listen forHis Presence.

Image by Ravi Sharma


Think as an individual and talk to Jesus as though He is alive and loves you. This is faith. He wants to give you divine revelation here and now so you can find your purpose in life. Jesus says you and I must be “born again” (John 3:3). There is an awakening His Spirit yearns to bring within us to wake us out of our miserable flesh like from a slumber (Eph.5:14/2Cor.5:17).

Where to Start Reading In The Bible: John 3:3-8 Luke 15:11-32 Romans 3:10-28 1 Peter 2:24, 5:5 Galations 2:16-21 Romans 4+7 Romans 8:15-28 John 14 Matthew 6+7


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Find YourDestiny

Remember when you were a child? What was your best memory? Go there. Think about the time, the place, the activity, the feeling. Remember that sense of simplicity and hope? My friend, this can still be yours.  Jesus says, “become like a child” (Mt.18:2). Don’t walk. Run into the arms of the loving Father. The void in us is something only He can fill with His Spirit. 


You know those folks you see homeless on the street? Stop. Ask his, or her, name. Put your arm on their shoulder. Smile and tell them you love them. How about visiting your neighbor or elderly people? Our purpose in this life is to find eternal life. Then, share Jesus with others. No greater joy than to bring someone out of pain and darkness into the light and love of the living Jesus. Ever thought about visiting a homeless shelter, hospital, or prison? Not with an organization, but just you and your heart, maybe a creative idea of music or an activity to lift a hurting soul (write me for ideas). Jesus says whatever you DO to the least, you do to Him (Mt.25:35). Don’t make excuses, make a plan. Start small. God will lead you bigger. Love will lead you to your purpose. Realize the potential you have to touch, change, and shape the lives of others. What if you saw God, not in the clouds, but in you, in your life and using your nothingness to do great things? 

Image by Jon Tyson

Please,dig deepinto humility.

Surrender that pride. We are one breath away from death; then it is heaven or hell (Lk.12:5). The day of judgment is near. Jesus is soon to return (Mt.24:30). The perspective of eternal life is all that matters. It swallows our current issues in the blink of an eye. My friend, the living Jesus is waiting for you. Call to Him and He will answer you (Mt.7:7).  If you’d like to talk, I’m right on the other side of an email with a heart of love to share what I can.



Above the Clouds

We never ask for money and we pay for everything out of our pocket. But sometimes people want to contribute something to the work we do. Every penny is greatly appreciated and used to bring the sincere love of Jesus to the world, especially to the poor and those on the streets. Thank you. 


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